Friday, 11 July 2008

I Love you But You're Green

How much greener are you now we are closer and closer to the end of the world?
(From Global Warming, Obviously)

Man it really grinds my gears when products exclaim exactly how much plastic cups it's taken to make into the product they now are like a fucking ruler or a cup holder!!!! I mean who gives two shits? But therein lies the problem, people do 'care' but they can't grasp that it's simply a marketing technique. It helps shift products and make money, it's hardly saving the world is it?Why can't those plastic cups STAY as plastic cups, and stop turning one item into another? Recycle rulers into rulers, cups into cups not three cups into a ruler and three rulers into a cup. It doesn't add up....


On The Road.....

Well this is a blog detailing my personal experiences, travels etc so now is a good time to mention my latest journey which begins tomorrow.

I set off to the south of France to document on camera the trip for the biology and geography students, I was informed that instead of shooting our own personal short film we had to record the other students work to make a DVD advertising the trip for next year, I wasn't the least bit happy when I found this out, and I still have a sour taste in my mouth about it.

Anyways, I am heading to the south of France to a picturesque little retreat, that looks remarkably like the setting of 'The Shining'. I Leave tomorrow at 7.30 at night and get there at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the NEXT DAY. quick mathematics with my fingers informs me that's 18 and 1/2 hours in a coach, Wow that's going to be fun.

I'll keep a sort of note diary of my feelings, observations, and ideas, I'll put them all up here when I return. I will also photograph as often and as much as I can and upload them here.

I am away from 12th-19th of July.

Don't miss me too much ahaha.

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...strangers hand
In a...desperate land

The Doors - The End

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