Tuesday, 1 July 2008

I Get By With A Little Help From My friends

Well Today is Tuesday, I normally attend explorers but it's on tomorrow instead for various reasons.

In Two Days time I'll be playing my first ever live performance in a musical outfit, well a band basically. It's been a hectic three weeks getting ready for it, especially because I couldn't play an instrument three weeks ago, and now I'm learning Guitar and Piano(keyboard/synth) the later of which I'll be playing live. I'm fretting, I'm excited, I'm nervous. It's been a productive few weeks and finally I have a creative output. Without the help from my Comrades none of this would be possible, to them I'm eternally grateful. We Have settled on a name for our 'outfit' but I shall leave that to another post....

Quick Film Recommendations I hardly need to write reviews for these two(one is a classic and one has so much hype around it you'd have to be living under a rock to not have heard about it), I may do at a later date but with the band stuff and two books needing to be read for college by next week I don't really have anytime, anyways here they are:

Rambo 4

Good Action film watched over a curry with Me Dad, Very much a lads film. Very Gory and pretty hard Hitting (surprisingly) in places. Also How the Hell can Stallone look like that at 60 odd? I reckon he's made a pact with the Devil and sold his dignity to live for ever, bit of an oxymoron that one eh?

Dirty Harry

Caught this on TCM the other day, I've been meaning to watch it for literally years. Well worth the wait Clint Eastwood is gold in this playing a Cop who Fights for Justice, rather than following blindly the rigid rules of the police force. The Antagonist in this played by Andrew Robinson is one of the scariest psychopaths in a film I have ever seen. Very Overblown but totally amazing.

"You Feelin' Lucky Punk?"

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